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In Sync : Lets work together

Co-working Office Space 

Completed March 2017

Project brief

Creators' Foundry is a co-working office space that allows companies to rent out portions of the building for use. This 15,000 sq. ft building is located near downtown Savannah with easy access to parking and I-16.

A client was given to us by our professor. She left us all to find two other clients for the space . The intent for this building was to design it in a way where people in the office are both productive and comfortable at the same time. Office spaces aren’t the way they use to be. No more linear straight walls or fixed office spaces to work at. The line between workspace and home are becoming a blur. Offices are starting to enhance the functionality of their spaces while still making it a productive yet creative space. This was the inspiration of my office design. To create a place that promotes a person(s) to further push themselves and create unique things. 

    Jewelry Company

  • Uganda & bali

  • Believes in giving back to the impoverished communities

  • Mission: using fashion and design to empower people to rise above poverty

    Clothing company

    • Founder: Sica Schmit

    • Couldn’t find clothing that fit her vegan and humanitarian values

    • Believes in not harming people, animals, or the environment

    • Believe: what you wear should make you feel comfortable with shopping in confidence.

bead & reel

thirty one bits 


sevenly by causebox

    Clothing company

  • Mission is to raise funds and awareness for the world’s greatest causes.

  • Belief: “people matter”

  • With every piece of clothing sold 7  % of that is added to the non-profit organization.

All the clients above give back to the community in some way. After looking into Sevenly, the client given to us by our professor, I wanted the other two clients to have similar views and missions for their company.

full client analysis

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415 W. Boundary St. Savannah, Ga

15,085 sq. ft.

office building 

site analysis + building analysis 

Concept words: vivid, flexibility, energy  


For our minds to function we all need a comfortable setting where we can sit down and explore ideas. A place where the vivid colors and patterns trigger the creative juices in our brain. So that positive energy can bounce from one individual to the other, channeling ideas that further inspire others.

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All the materials within each space are accompanied by pops of color such as read and yellow. These vibrant colors are balanced with neutrals and patterns to not make them stand out but to make them blend into the design. Flooring materials are a mix between indoors and outdoors. Concrete and artificial grass is used along with cork and carpet to separate the different spaces also keeping zoning in mind of private, public, and semi-private.


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final design 






reception with ppl.jpg

reception area

retail with ppl.jpg

retail area

bar with ppl.jpg


office with ppl.jpg

workspace area

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