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Children's Memorial Hospital

Waiting Room

Completed May 2017

project brief

During Spring Break I had the pleasure of working with seventeen other designers from different majors to produce design proposals for the Memorial Hospital. On the first day, we visited the hospital where our clients gave us a brief of what spaces we needed to design and certain precautions we needed to keep in mind when designing. The two spaces we focused on were the corridor and the waiting room. We all came up with two versions of the floor plan, one being the cost-effective layout and the other being the "shot for the stars" floor plan. Both floor plans were given separate names, gravity and lift, both taken from the concept of a kite and how it flies.

the team

Abdulaziz Alsunsi

Adele Ignatuk

Ashton Pearson

Cass Graybeal

Christina Gonano- project lead

Emma Graybill

Jakob Florio

Kelly Benton

Lisa Rae Bowman

Lu Pan

Nick Oji

Pooja Patel

Sam Irurzon

Sam Klein

Valentina Angulo

Will Cao

pictures from site visit 


Location: 4700 Waters Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404


The Dwaine & Cynthia Willet Children's Hospital of Savannah is the only children's hospital in southwest Georgia. They offer service to newborns as well as teens where they offer a variety of crucial services. 

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Our inspiration for this project was taken from a kite. The colors were taken from the logo of the hospital.We looked up what each color represents. The top portion of the kite lifts up while the back portion is lower, giving it the name drag.

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final design

 Waiting Room Floor Plan

When planning out the floor plan we wanted to make this place both flexible and comfortable for families who are grieving. That was made possible through the different zones of seating areas which includes casual seating on the side, high top seating in the front and in the back for both eating and working, along with seating in the middle for families that want to sit together and watch television. Materials of furniture pieces were picked keeping in mind that they were easily cleanable if spills were to occur. Colors of the space were incorporated  from the kite logo of the hospital.


Above are two perspectives of what the waiting room would look like. This space was given the name lift because it would lift the spirits of families that came within the space. Acoustic panels in the shape of a kite are placed on the walls to tie in the concept of a kite while still acting as a sound barrier. A motivational quote is placed on the wall so that when families enter, that is the first thing they see. Little reminders like these are placed in the room to remind families that they are strong, they can fight this, and  giving them strength that they might have forgotten they had.  

Design option 2:Gravity

 Waiting Room Floor Plan


Lift is the design where multifunctional spaces were incorporated spaces that enhance relaxation by bringing in natural elements. By providing different seating options and flexibility, we bring an uplifting feeling to the space.


When visiting the corridor that leads everyone to waiting room we found it to be a long narrow hall that had lacked character. Everything in this area was painted white with no color. We wanted this transition area to be refreshing for families. For that affect we added vegetation wallpaper with lighting running on the top and bottom to enhance the feeling one would get when walking through the space. We kept the walls and flooring the same neutral color as it was and added frosted glass for the windows so that the space isn't extremely sunny.

Outside Roof

When walking through the corridor the view outside of the windows is this roof. We weren't required to design this place but we wanted to give a few proposal ideas. As we know, hospitals are on a tight budget and to keep the design in a reasonable price range we picked paint for the outdoor area. It easy to maintain and immediately brings some color within the space. These paint ideas could be a reason for patients to open their blinds up and look out for a bit.

Before and after pictures of what the waiting room, corridor, and roof looked and the proposal we gave the Memorial Hospital.

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