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Ikata Pavilion 

Understanding spatial relationships  

Completed March 2016

project brief 

The project below was completed for the class Form, Space, and Order, which is an introductory class of interior design. In this class. We learned different spatial relationships along with different ways to look at interior spaces. For this project, we were instructed to pick a song and implement what we felt while listening to it into our design. I picked the song Lean On ft. Vidya which represents a western song with an Asian twist. While listening to this song I felt a sense of two cultures unifying. The words that ran through my mind were energetic, vibrant colors, and culture. those words were portrayed in my design. The design itself was energetic with all the phases that you had to go through. Vibrant colors were used on the roof of the entrance and the culture was shown through henna patterns in the roof.   


India consist of many different types of cultures, one of them being the traditional Punjabi Culture. When thinking about Punjab a lot of things come to mind, but one thing that stands out is the variety of colors used.The festivals celebrated, clothing worn, even the food eaten by the people consist of many different colors .


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user journey

final design

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Phase 1: Entrance Area

 Vibrant colors from the ceiling instantly brings energy within the space. Music is held for both those who want to dance and for those who simply want to listen.  

Phase 2 & 3

After phase 1 individuals would climb up the stairs. When they reach the top they can either slide down from the left or right side or they can walk straight ahead onto the bridge. At the end of the bridge, individuals can see phase 3 where families along with their kids are enjoying the pool and garden area. 

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